Exercise 4 - State Estimation

Date Posted: Nov. 24

Date Due: Dec. 23

The exercise should be completed using the ente version of everything.

Fork the lx-estimation repo and clone it to your computer and then follow the instructions in the README.

One annoying detail: You will need to re-run the extrinsic calibration on your robot.

For the virtual robot, you can use the homography that is provided in the histogram filter notebook. Specifically, create a file in the /data/config/calibrations/camera_extrinsic directory called [YOUR_VIRTUAL_ROBOT_NAME].yaml with the contents:

version: "2"
format: "resolution-independent"
date: "2021-01-01T12:00:00"
 - 8.56148231e-03 
 - 2.22480148e-01
 - 4.24318934e-01
 - -5.67022044e-01
 - -1.13258040e-03
 - 6.81113839e-04
 - 5.80917161e-02
 - 4.35079347e+00
 - 1.0

For the real robot, the file will be created during the extrinsic calibration procedure but you will need to format it a little bit to make it look like the one above (i.e., use the homography that you calculated, but you can just copy all the other stuff).

Final Deliverables:

  • A link to your repo (1pt)
  • A video or demo of your robot doing one loop in the Duckiematrix (2pts)
  • A video or demo of your robot doing one loop in the Lab (2pts)